AAMG Survey!

Calling all academic museum and gallery colleagues! 

As you know, academic museums have to demonstrate their value in different ways than most museums and academic departments. But the data needed just doesn’t currently exist.

This is going to change.

Thanks to a generous grant from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, AAMG is working with Wilkening Consulting to field research that is JUST for academic museums like yours!

BUT they need your help to make sure this first round of data collection is robust and can help all of us. Here’s what you can do:

Step 1: Go to aamg-us.org/survey2022/

Step 2: Click on the button for “Start your data collection now”. The survey will take 15-20 min, TOPS; and you can download a copy of the questions beforehand to gather your responses first. 

Step 3: Share the data collection link and encourage other academic museums in your area to participate. The more museums that participate, the more effective their infographics and peer comparisons will be to advocate for YOU!

Step 4: Pat yourself on the back for helping yourself AND your colleagues in the field!

Step 5: Lookout for survey results coming Fall 2022! Survey closes June 30, 2022. 

PO Box 4 Cooperstown, NY 13326


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