MAAM Strategic Planning Survey: Looking for your feedback!

We are excited to share that the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums is undergoing a strategic planning process in partnership with the Cooperstown Graduate Program | SUNY Oneonta.

As part of this process, we are looking for feedback from our members and non-members. Please click the link below to complete a survey on your thoughts about the strategic direction of MAAM. The survey is optional and all answers are anonymous unless you wish to share your contact information. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Your responses will greatly benefit the planning efforts of the Cooperstown Graduate Program and the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums. If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to us at

Please complete the survey by Thursday, October 14th. Thank you for being part of the MAAM community! You can complete the survey by clicking here.


The Board and Staff of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums

Cooperstown Graduate Program

PO Box 4 Cooperstown, NY 13326


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