The mission of the Association is to support and promote excellence, ethics, and accessibility in museum practices to make the museums of the Mid-Atlantic region better able to preserve and interpret our diverse cultural, scientific, and aesthetic heritage. The Association will assist museums to carry out their missions for public service by developing and improving communication among the personnel of museums and other appropriate institutions in the region through meetings, symposia, publications and other professional activities.


Policy on posting, commenting, and dialogue:

MAAM’s website and social media pages exist to share information with the public on museum news and programs and activities of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums.  The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) encourages constructive and relevant discourse on topics surrounding museums and their communities. We encourage dialogue through comments that are respectful and relevant. MAAM will not tolerate comments or posts that are disrespectful, racist, and/or harassing and do not contribute to constructive dialogue. MAAM also reserves the right to remove comments that do not reflect the organization’s mission or the purposes as stated above.

PO Box 4 Cooperstown, NY 13326


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