Who can Volunteer for White Gloves Gang?
All museum professionals and museum studies students, especially those with hands-on experience with or interest in collections care and management, are welcome to participate. Share your interest in volunteering for the 2024 Annual Meeting White Gloves Day of Service.
When is the White Gloves Gang Day of Service?
The White Gloves Gang Day of Service is typically held the 1st day of the Annual Meeting (mid-October).
Is your site interested in receiving volunteers? Interested in being a White Gloves volunteer? Contact director@midatlanticmuseums.org.
What else should I know about WGG?
It’s FREE to participate and you don’t have to be registered for the conference to attend (but it would be nice)!
One of the great treats of the event, besides getting to work in a museum space that is not your own, is meeting colleagues in the field!
Want to sponsor supplies for the White Gloves Gang?
Support the White Gloves Gang, a service branch of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums. The White Gloves Gang assembles museum and collections care professionals to assist smaller museums in the area surrounding the Annual Meeting location. Projects typically include inventorying collections, rehousing objects, rolling textiles, scanning documents, numbering objects and more.
Support with a financial donation OR donation of materials (the value of materials donated will determine the package you receive from MAAM).
For financial or in-kind donations, contact: