State and Local/Affiliate Organizations
State Associations
New Jersey Association of Museums
555 Grand Ave.
PO Box 77316, Ewing, NJ 08628
The New Jersey Association of Museums is pleased to offer the Artifact Assessment Program (AAP).
A FREE service for non-profit history, museum, and science organizations in New Jersey that collect and care for the artifacts that help tell our unique history.
AAP is funded by the New Jersey Historical Commission and managed by NJAM. More information:
Museum Association of New York
265 River Street
Troy, NY 12180 USA
In partnership with diverse museums, heritage and related organizations, the Museum Association of New York (MANY) strengthens the capacity of New York State’s cultural community by supporting high professional standards, strong organizational development, and by providing advocacy, training and flexible information networks so that all may better serve their missions and communities.

Greater Hudson Heritage Network
2199 Saw Mill River Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
914-592-6726 (phone/fax)
PA Museums
300 North Street, Room 504
Harrisburg, PA 17120
2022 Annual Statewide Museum Conference: Pittsburgh, PA
April 2022
Call for Session Proposals will be available in August 2022.
Local/Affiliate Organizations
Museum Hue
Museum Council of Greater Philadelphia
Museum Council of Greater Philadelphia
c/o Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
1315 Walnut Street, Suite 732
Philadelphia, PA 19107