What is a White Paper?
The term white paper was originally used to refer to an official government or organizational report, indicating that the document is authoritative and informative in nature. Writers typically use this genre when they argue a specific position or propose a solution to a problem, addressing the audience outside of their organization. Today, white papers have also become popular tools for corporations especially on the Internet since many potential customers search for information on the Web (Purdue).
Definition adapted from Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). “White Paper: Purpose and Audience”
// purdue writing lab. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/white_papers/index.html
The Purpose of a White Paper
Typically, the purpose of a white paper is to advocate that a certain position is the best way to go or that a certain solution is best for a particular problem (Purdue).
Adapted from:
Purdue Writing Lab. (n.d.). “White Paper: Purpose and Audience”
// purdue writing lab. Retrieved April 19, 2021, from https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/white_papers/index.html
How do I submit a White Paper?
MAAM hosts white papers on our website from members of our Association to inform and educate the field about next practices and research findings. Interested in sharing your white paper? Contact us at info@midatlanticmuseums.org.