9 NovBuilding Museums™ to go virtual in March 2021

2021’s Symposium will be a virtual experience.
Due to the uncertainty of how COVID-19 will progress through the remainder of 2020 and into the new year, the Board of Directors of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums, the Building Museums Planning Committee and the Staff of MAAM made the decision to move our 2021 Building Museums™ Symposium online.
“All of us at MAAM feel that this is the safest way to bring our Building Museums ™ colleagues together during this time,” said Averie Shaughnessy-Comfort, Executive Director of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums. “We have made arrangements to move our Washington, D.C. Symposium to 2022 meaning that we will meet online in 2021. Although we will miss the in-person conference greatly, we’re excited at the possibility of reaching a larger audience by hosting the conference online. A virtual conference suggests that we are no longer limited by geography. We also plan to make the Symposium cost-effective for all interested attendees: MAAM members and non-members alike.”
The 2021 Symposium will be held the first week of March. Exact dates and times are to be determined. Members of regional museums associations (NEMA, AMM, SEMC, MPMA, and WMA), will be able to access member rates once exclusively reserved for MAAM members for the 2021 conference.
Registration is slated to open in December 2020. A preliminary program with session descriptions and conference rates will become available in December as well. Sponsorship opportunities are forthcoming.
For the latest information and updates on the 2021 Building Museums™ Symposium, please subscribe to our email list at: Visit our website to learn more about the Building Museums™ Symposium:
Building Museums™ is a national symposium presented annually by the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums. The symposium focuses primarily on museum construction, renovation, and expansions. The conference is organized under three inter-related themes: Vision, Implementation, and Sustainability (or Life after Opening). This symposium is for museum professionals, architects, planners, project managers, technical experts, and all those who plan or implement new construction, renovation, or expansion projects for museums.