Calling all parents…

Please share your experiences about children’s use of online digital media like videos and games as well as how online museum programs fit into children’s media use. It takes about 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will help museums across the country design better experiences that support children’s growth and development.

This survey is part of a collaborative research project between the Association of Children’s Museums (ACM), Rockman et al Cooperative (REA), and Knology. Your response is anonymous. This project (Post-Pandemic Virtual Experiences with Children’s Museums: Responding to Family, Educator, and Museum Needs and Expectations) is made possible through Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant #MG-251839-OMS-22. If you have questions about this survey and our research, you can read more about it here or contact

Access the survey here.

PO Box 4 Cooperstown, NY 13326


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