MAAM Statement: Foster Excellence Together

MAAM knows that part of our goal of fostering excellence in the museum field includes demanding that museum professionals and institutions do better.

We can do better by leveraging positions of privilege to help our most vulnerable colleagues and visitors. We can do better by being anti-racist. We can better support our colleagues of color. We can do better by having conversations, sharing resources, and educating ourselves.

Let us foster excellence together. Our communities can thrive, but only if we can collectively strive to be a better society by holding each other accountable. Challenge assumptions, share resources, spark discussion.

Let us know, how can we support you? What resources have been helpful for you so far? Contact us, or tag us on social media, and tell us what resources have been helpful to you.

Stay tuned, as MAAM will be developing a page of resources dedicated to education, bystander intervention, and more. For now, we direct you to the resources currently compiled by the NYC Museum Educators Roundtable. You can find their page here:

PO Box 4 Cooperstown, NY 13326


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